Monthly Archives: June 2024

Which-key Moves To Core

I’ve been following the discussion on Emacs Devel about moving the excellent which-key app to Emacs core. Moving it to core was non-controversial. The only issue was whether they could get all the which-key contributors to assign their rights to … Continue reading

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Creative Writing With Emacs

Chris Maiorana has an interesting post on using Emacs for creative writing. The TL;DR was that a friend criticized his writing as being too “choppy” and speculated that it was because Emacs made it too easy to rearrange blocks of … Continue reading

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Everything Is a Command

Daniel de Haas has a post that I really like. In it, he sings the praises of the Emacs idea that everything is a command. If you’re an Emacser that may seem obvious but imagine not being familiar with Emacs … Continue reading

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Emacs Documentation

Over at the Emacs subreddit, WarmToiletSeat0 posts an all-too-rare thank you for a part of Emacs that we all take for granted: documentation. Emacs is famously the self-documenting editor, of course, but most of us probably don’t think very deeply … Continue reading

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Lifehacker on Quitting Google

As a public service message and a followup to my previous post on quitting Google, I offer this article from Lifehacker on quitting Google. Lifehacker is not quite a site for the average person but neither is it a nerd … Continue reading

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The Emacs From Scratch Cycle

Bsag over at but she’s a girl… has an interesting post on what she calls the Emacs from scratch cycle. She’s noticed that she goes through a roughly 3-year cycle of starting with a vanilla Emacs configuration, moving to one … Continue reading

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PSA: Some Upcoming Casual Name Changes

If you’ve been around Irreal for as little as a few months, you know that I’m a fan of Charles Choi’s “Casual” utilities. They’re all basically the same. They add a transient menu to Emacs utilities such as Calc, Isearch, … Continue reading

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Apple Text Navigation and Emacs

Charles Choi is grateful—really grateful—to Apple for a longstanding UI feature. As many, many others have discovered, macOS apps recognize some basic Emacs navigation commands. Choi tells us something that I didn’t know. Apparently the NextStep programmers added the feature … Continue reading

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Gene Goykhman, like a lot of Emacs users—or simply computer users, for that matter—hates dealing with fussy details while working on his computer. One of his complaints in particular is that there are too many confirmations in some of his … Continue reading

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Viper and Evil

Just a quick note to share something that I’m just learning after more than 15 years of using Emacs. I am, of course, aware that Viper and Evil are modes that emulate the Vi family of editors. It’s a way … Continue reading

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