
Gene Goykhman, like a lot of Emacs users—or simply computer users, for that matter—hates dealing with fussy details while working on his computer. One of his complaints in particular is that there are too many confirmations in some of his frequent tasks.

For example, when quitting and saving an Ediff merge, he has to respond to two separate confirmations. His solution was to write a wrapper function that replaces the confirmation queries with #’always. It’s pretty simple code and easily understandable. He binds it to a keystroke to unconditionally quit whatever function he wants to quit without the bother of confirmations.

This is yet another example of the difference between Emacs extensions and the plugins used by other editors that I wrote about previously. You almost certainly couldn’t make this change with an editor that relies on plugins.

In any event, if you’d like to get rid of some of the superfluous confirmations in your Emacs workflow, give Goykhman’s post a read.

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