PSA: Some Upcoming Casual Name Changes

If you’ve been around Irreal for as little as a few months, you know that I’m a fan of Charles Choi’s “Casual” utilities. They’re all basically the same. They add a transient menu to Emacs utilities such as Calc, Isearch, Info, and others so that you can have access to the more obscure subcommands of the utilities without having to remember key shortcuts that you hardly ever use.

I’ve found the Calc and Casual Info menus especially helpful since they have lots of subcommands that are useful but that I don’t use all that often. Others may find some of the other Casual menus useful.

Choi started out with the Isearch and Calc packages and probably didn’t realize that the idea could be extended to many other Emacs subsystems. Now that these packages have been a success, Choi realized that those early packages weren’t named in a manner consistent with the later ones. He therefore has announced some name changes. If you aren’t using the Calc or Isearch packages you have nothing to do. If you are, you will have to update your configuration to reflect the changes.

The plan is that the changes will occur on [2024-06-16 Sun] (that’s THIS Sunday) so you’ll need to have your configuration in place after that. I’ve updated my init.el to reflect the new Calc name but it’s still commented out. Given that all goes as planned, I’ll uncomment the new configuration on the 16th, evaluate it, and be up to date.

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