Smoother Scrolling

Over at The MKat, Marie K. Ekeberg has a post that brings me back to my earliest days of using Emacs. Before I was assimilated, I tried several times to warm up to Emacs but it wouldn’t take. Ekeberg’s post reminds me why. It was what I considered the schizophrenic default scrolling. You would move the cursor down the screen and suddenly, about three quarters of the way down, the screen would jump several lines. Every time I saw that, I would abandon my attempt to embrace Emacs and run screaming back to Vim.

In her post on smoother scrolling, Ekeberg offers an explanation for this bizarre behavior that I’m pretty sure is correct. The TL;DR is that in the old days, when Emacs was developed, scrolling was an expensive operation so rather than scroll by line, Emacs would scroll by (essentially) half pages.

I have no idea why the default hasn’t long since been changed but as far as I know, it hasn’t. I say, “as far as I know” because years and years ago I did what Ekeberg suggests and implemented smooth scrolling. I haven’t looked back.

It turns out that fixing this is far from trivial. I have no memory of how I figured it out but I do know that it involved pleading with the Internet for an answer. Take a look at Ekeberg’s post to see the answer. What she suggests is essentially what I did. As I said, not at all obvious.

It’s odd how a simple thing like scrolling can ruin your appreciation of Emacs but it sure did affect mine. Don’t let that happen to you. Take a look at Ekeberg’s post and find peace of mind.

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