Monthly Archives: July 2024

Programming Fonts

Many, many years ago I adopted the Inconsolata font because it was one of the first widely available, free, antialiased programming fonts. In those days, I was still using Vim but when I moved to Emacs, I brought it along … Continue reading

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EmacsConf 2024: Call For Participation

Planning for the 2024 EmacsConf is underway and the organizers are calling for participation. “Calling for participation” means they’re asking folks to submit proposals for talks. The conference will again be virtual and take place on December 7th and 8th. … Continue reading

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Gotos Considered Maybe Not Harmful

Way back in 1968, Edgar Dijkstra published a famous letter to the Communications of the ACM that explained why he felt the go to statement was being abused. Ever since then, lots of uninformed folks who haven’t bothered reading it … Continue reading

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