Emacs 27 is entering the home stretch. Nicolas Petton has pushed a commit bumping the version number from 27.0.91 to 27.1 and prepared tar and zip files for RC1.
If you can, download it and try it out. The testing will help sand off any remaining burrs on the release candidate and get Emacs 27.1 officially released as soon as possible.
As you all know, Emacs is the center of my computer workflow and I’m inclined to be very conservative about making changes. Nonetheless, I downloaded RC1, compiled, and installed it. I kept the 26.3 package in case of problems but I’m committed to using Emacs 27 for my daily work. If I can do it, you can too. It’s still early but so far thing are working wonderfully. Emacs seems snappier and I haven’t seen any problems.