
This looks promising. Karl Voit has a post about org-super-links and their use in implementing a sort of poor man’s Zettelkasten. Super-links is still very preliminary but the idea is to provide an automatic way of implementing back links, something you need for an effective Zettelkasten.

You can, of course, add those links manually. That’s what I do in my homegrown Zettelkasten but it’s a pain and adds enough friction to prevent me from entering as many items as I should. That’s why my future plans are still centered around Org-roam. I just need to find the time and energy to get it configured and start using it.

On the other hand, if you’re like Voit and don’t need or want a full blown Zettelkasten but have applications where back links would be useful, super-links may be just what you need. I’m looking forward to seeing how this project develops. Perhaps it will even be integrated into Org itself once it matures.

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