Using Elfeed

Regular readers know that I’m a big fan of Elfeed for reading my RSS feeds from the comfort of Emacs. It has great searching and filtering capabilities so I can even find old, already read entries if I need to. It is by far the best RSS reader I’ve used.

Noonker is also an Elfeed enthusiast and has an interesting post on how he uses Elfeed. He’s made some interesting extensions that allows him to do things like download music or videos, choose the browser he uses to read an entry, or send himself an email reminding him to read an entry later.

It’s an interesting post for anyone who uses an RSS feed. If you believe that most worthwhile ideas can’t be expressed in 120 characters or don’t want Facebook prying into every aspect of your life, you should consider getting a least some of your news from RSS feeds. And if you’re an Emacser using RSS, I know of no better way to do so than with Elfeed. It’s a really great piece of software. Give it a try; it’s easy to set up and use and you can simply delete it in the unlikely event that you don’t like it. If you’d like to see it in action, Mike Zamansky has three excellent videos on it: 1, 2, 3.

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