An Org Mode Workflow for Spacemacs

Over at OutOfCheeseError there’s a useful discussion of an Org-mode workflow for Spacemacs. If you’re a member of the Spacemacs sect, you should take a look. Interestingly, the post is part of his .spacemacs file so it’s pretty much always up to date.

Even if you’re not a Spacemacs user, there’s some good ideas and useful information in the post. The author likes fancy text and symbols so he makes heavy use of org-entities and shows some examples. I already knew about org-entities-help but I tend to forget about them. It’s amazing how many there are. If you have a use for these, take a look at John Kitchin’s code to bring up an Ivy list to choose from. There’s also a version that works with Helm.

There’s also a very nice section on how he uses capture templates. He even has one for starting a blog post. Again, aside from the key shortcuts, none of this is specific to Spacemacs so all Emacs users can benefit from reading it, especially if you like to work with nice looking text.

If you’re coming from Vim, you may be surprised at what a powerful workflow Spacemacs and Org can provide. As always with Emacs, it’s all about reducing friction.

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