Org Mode is Awesome

I’ve written about John Kitchin’s Org mode is awesome video before (back in 2014) but recently Xah Lee tweeted about it and I watched it again. It’s a great video and worth mentioning again for anyone who hasn’t already seen it. Actually, even if you have seen it, it’s worth watching again.

Kitchin looks at the major things you can do with Org so it’s an excellent resource for n00bs who are wondering what all the excitement is about and whether it’s worth expending the effort to learn it. You wouldn’t think there are many such n00bs left by this time but I keep seeing questions asking what it’s all about and whether it’s worth learning so apparently there are.

One of the things Kitchin mentions is Org mode speed keys. I’d forgotten all about them so rewatching the video was definitely worthwhile for me. Perhaps it will be for you too.

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