Ogbe’s Literate Emacs Configuration

Dennis Ogbe is an EE PhD student at Purdue whom I’ve written about before (1, 2, 3). He’s very good at leveraging Emacs and Org mode in his workflow, both in his studies and his blog. Recently, I saw this tweet:

that pointed to Ogbe’s Emacs configuration. It’s written in Literate form with Org mode and has a ton of good ideas in it. Some of his choices probably aren’t the ones you’d make but if you’re looking for a good go-by for a configuration aimed at someone in the scientific/technical fields, this is an excellent choice. He’s documented everything so you can tell why he made the choices he did.

Even if you’re not looking for a new Emacs configuration, it’s worth taking a look at his just for the ideas. You might find a couple of things to add to your own setup.

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