Blogging with Org Mode (Only)

Dennis Ogbe has a blog that he writes in Emacs with Org mode. There’s nothing unusual about that, of course; lots of people do. All Irreal posts begin life as an Org file that is exported to HTML and pushed to my WordPress site by the excellent org2blog/wp package. What makes Ogbe’s blog different is that everything (posts, archive, RSS feed) is generated as static pages directly from Org mode. There’re no external packages to worry about; it’s all just Emacs and Org mode.

In an interesting post, Ogbe describes how he does this. Many of us use Org mode to write content and export it to HTML but Org mode provides a much more comprehensive functionality with its publishing system. Ogbe uses this to describe his site and take care of most of the details of publishing it automatically. He chooses to rsync the completed HTML to his hosting provider manually but that, too, could be done automatically by leveraging Tramp.

I prefer to let WordPress worry about RSS, the archive, and things like that but many bloggers would rather have a simple system with static pages and the simplicity (and security) that they enable. If you’re one of those people, take a look at Ogbe’s post; it can serve as a useful go-by for rolling your own. Be sure to check out the three example sites that Ogbe used as his own go-by. They have lots of good ideas too.

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