While preparing yesterday’s post on drawers and tags, I came across another interesting post from Clark Donley that discusses how to use Org mode to write humanity papers. This is a great thing not only because it helps non-scientific researchers publish their papers in an easy and efficient way but also because it demonstrates that even if you’re in the humanities, you don’t have to be stuck in the Word ghetto.
The process is very similar to what a researcher in engineering or the sciences would do but some of the defaults are tweaked to be more in line with what humanity researchers expect. It starts with using Org mode to prepare \(\LaTeX\) which is then exported to PDF. If you’re dealing with a journal that insists on Word input, you can run your \(\LaTeX\) through pandoc
The real virtue of Donley’s post is that it demonstrates that Emacs/Org/\(\LaTeX\) is not just for the scientist but it can be used by anyone to produce nice looking papers without having to fire up the abomination that is Word.