Drawers and Tags

Last year, Clark R. Donley published a very nice post on using Org mode drawers and tags for writing. I missed the post when it was first published but stumbled on it now because it was mentioned in a tweet.

The post details the ways in which tags and drawers can be used to selectively prevent data from being exported. You can, of course, do this with the :noexport: tag but what if you have several sections that you sometimes want to export and other times not? In that case, the :noexport: tag can be a pain and also a source of error if you forget to change one.

Donley shows how you can mark sections with a tag and then selectively inhibit export of sections with that tag simply by changing the list of tags to be excluded:

#+EXCLUDE_TAGS: tags to exclude

Another way of accomplishing this is to put data that you may or may not want exported into a drawer. Again, you can configure your document so that all, none, or some of the drawers get exported. See Donley’s post for the details and some other features of working with tags and drawers.

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