Dedicated Windows

Marcin Borkowski (mbork) has a very interesting post on something I didn’t know about: dedicated windows. The TL;DR is that dedicated windows are restricted—more or less—to the single buffer that they were displaying when they were set to dedicated.

Mbork’s use case is reading a technical book in one window while taking notes and trying code snippets from the book in another. He notes that if there’s an error when executing those code snippets Emacs will open an error window over your book. By marking the window as dedicated, you can avoid that and force Emacs to open a third window so you can see all the pertinent information.

Although dedicated windows have been in Emacs for some time, there’s never been an easy way of invoking them. That changed in Emacs 30. Now’s there a convenient key sequence to mark a window as dedicated (Ctrl+x w d).

To be honest, my workflow doesn’t have much use for this feature but, of course, that can change without warning so it’s nice to know that there’s a way of pinning a window to a particular buffer. If you think that you have a use for such a feature, be sure to take a look at Mbork’s post for the details. The easy UI won’t be available until Emacs 30.1 but you still set a window dedicated by calling the appropriate function. See the documentation for the details.

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