Next Error Follow Mode

Marcin Borkowski (mbork) has a nifty post that discusses a handy Emacs facility that I didn’t know about. A few weeks ago he wrote about follow mode. It was a good post that opened my eyes about the real utility of follow mode and I wrote about it here. This post is about a similar facility called next-error-follow-minor-mode.

The idea is that if you’re in a buffer that references places in another file—think occur buffers, for example—you can turn on next-error-follow-minor-mode and as you move around in the buffer the other buffer will automatically jump to the matching place.

My workflow has a couple of places where I regularly use occur buffers and next-error-follow-minor-mode seems like a real win because my workflow involves jumping from an occur buffer item to the corresponding place in the other buffer.

If you’re in a buffer that supports next-error-follow-minor-mode, you can enable it with the shortcut Ctrl+c Ctrl+f.

It’s another one of those obscure Emacs facilities that are hard to discover but once you do you wonder how you ever lived without them.

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