There’s a new video over at the Emacs Elements Channel about the Golden Ratio package. The idea, to a first order approximation, is to make the current window—the one having focus—larger so that it is easier to type in. If you switch to another window, the new window is made the larger one.
But that’s just the first order approximation. The other feature of the package is that when the window having focus is enlarged, it’s sized so that its sides obey the golden ratio. That, depending on your school of Feng shui, makes for the most pleasing size and is most comfortable for reading. As the video demonstrates, you can tweak this a bit to limit, say, how wide the window can be.
I mostly have two equal, side-by-side windows that take up the whole screen. They don’t, I’m sure, honor the golden ratio principle but they’re fine for my everyday work so I don’t feel a need for this package. But as always, other folks have their own needs and preferences and they may prefer using the package. The video commenters certainly seem to: they all praise the package and say how much they enjoy using it.
If you think you might like it, take a look at the video. The package is easy to install and you can turn it off easily so there’s nothing to lose. The video is only 6 minutes 50 seconds so it should be easy to find time for it.