Casual Image

Charles Choi is back with another app in his Casual Suite. This time it’s for dealing with images from within Emacs. As Choi says, there are better ways of dealing with images than from within Emacs but for those of us addicted to the Emacs flow, the less than optimal UX may be worth it. Thus: Casual Image.

The idea, as with all the Casual apps, is to provide an easy to use transient menu for dealing with hard to remember, esoteric commands. In this case it’s for the built-in image-mode.

Again, Emacs may not be the best way to deal with this problem but it does allow us to stay within Emacs and leverage the power of our favorite editor. Choi says that this Casual app is more opinionated than usual because image-mode’s commands are particularly poorly named so Casual Image renames them. Take a look at the menu on Choi’s announcement, linked above, to see what he means.

The only downside to Casual Image that I can see is that it requires ImageMagick to be installed. That’s not much of a downside given that you’re dealing with images. If you deal with images all the time, there are probably better ways of dealing with them but if it’s an occasional thing and you like staying in Emacs, Casual Image may be just what you need.

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