Org Pretty Table

Just a quickie today about something you may or may not care about. The reason you may not care about it is that it only affects the display of your local Org buffer—in particular, the display of tables. If you’re like me, you don’t care about that type of stuff; the default Org display is fine. Other folks disagree and they are no more nor no less correct than I, they simply have different opinions and sensibilities. Some people really enjoy having even their intermediate results look as nice as possible.

For those folks, Matus Goljer (Fuco1) has a nice package that overlays the bare-bones default table boundries with their unicode equivalents. My first thought was that the package would be more useful if it exported these changes to HTML, PDF, and the rest but, of course, that’s just silly. The export backends already take care of that so there’s no need for an external package to do it.

The org-pretty-table package simply makes the Org version of your tables look better. If this appeals to you, by all means install it. If it doesn’t, don’t worry about it: your final product will still look good.

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