Happy 50th Birthday to Dark Side Of The Moon

Every year on this date, Irreal interrupts its normal programming to celebrate the birthday of Pink Floyd’s iconic Dark Side of the Moon. As I’ve mentioned before, the album is one of the best selling albums of all time. It spent just a couple weeks short of 3 decades on the 200 best selling albums list.

This year is special. It’s the 50th anniversary of the album. My daughter reports that even kids in her middle school class are talking about it. Think about that: kids talking about an album that was probably released before their parents were born.

The Irreal tradition is to feature a video of one of Pink Floyd’s songs to celebrate the event but this year is different. Because it’s the 50th anniversary, the band is holding a competition for the best animation featuring one the songs from Dark Side of the Moon. Here’s Nick Mason, the band’s drummer, explaining the competition:

It’s certainly possible that a few Irreal readers could produce an entry for this contest. I have no idea of what the prizes are but what could be better than having your animation and name linked with the best rock band of all time?

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