Casual Bookmarks

It’s getting harder and harder to keep up with Charles Choi and his casual-suite. He’s announced yet another app in the suite. This time it’s for bookmarks. Like the other apps in the collection, casual-bookmarks captures all the hard to remember commands in a transient menu so you don’t have to remember them. If, like me, you use several of the Casual apps, you can bind them all to the same shortcut so that there’s hardly anything to remember.

I use Bookmarks+ and have ibookmark-jump jump bound to a hydra that collects other window commands that I use frequently. Using a hydra is basically the same as using transient except that transient is builtin. Some folks prefer transient to hydra but they seem the same to me.

That said, my hydra has no bookmark commands other than bookmark-jump. I virtually never use those other commands except when it comes time to change my current tax file from one year to the next and then I just stumble about with which-key until I find what I need.

But that’s me. If you have the need to interact with the deeper layers of the bookmark system more often than I do, Choi’s app is probably just what you need. As with the other Casual apps, the menu stays out of sight until you explicitly call it and disappears as soon as it does what you
asked it for.

Take a look at Choi’s announcement for the details and to see what the menu looks like. If you’re a dropdown menu user, Choi has a link to a previous post that shows how to implement a menu for the bookmark system.

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