Tag Archives: Stupidity

Red Meat Friday: Unintended Consequences

Irreal readers are, I’m sure, smarter than the average politico so they would know better than to pass a law like this Colorado bill without considering the consequences. On its face, the law doesn’t seem controversial; it’s just a little … Continue reading

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The Five Second Rule

The New York Times has published an article on the five second rule. You’ll be shocked—shocked—to learn that if you drop food on the floor you get bacteria on it even if you pick it up in less than 5 … Continue reading

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Scientific Illiteracy (2)

Remember a couple of years ago when I wrote despairingly of American scientific illiteracy and the fact that 1 in 4 Americans didn’t know that the earth revolves around the sun? I was pretty certain that that represented the infimum … Continue reading

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Lenovo Law Suit

Just as I predicted, the roosters have come home to roost.

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The New Luddites Strike Again

From time to time I take note of some particularly egregious example of stupidity from the new Luddites. The last time was here; see that post for links to the others. Today, we have another example in Judith Shulevitz’s article … Continue reading

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Open Space Offices (Again)

Nathan, over at thoughts from the red planet, blogs about The inexplicable rise of open floor plans in tech companies. I’ve long been puzzled about this myself and have written about it before, most recently in my The Insanity of … Continue reading

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The NSF Questions

Last Saturday I wrote about the National Science Foundation poll that asked respondents 10 questions about the biological and physical sciences. The most astounding finding was that one in four Americans don’t know that the earth revolves around the sun. … Continue reading

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Scientific Illiteracy

A little while ago I wrote about mathematical literacy and disturbing indications of a lack of it in American life. Now there’s evidence of American’s scientific illiteracy as well. The National Science Foundation recently polled 2,200 people on some basic … Continue reading

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Keeping the French Safe From Terror

Rick Fallvinge has a jaw droppingly funny (or sad, depending on your point of view) story about French efforts to stop terror. His story is at the expense of the French but, really, I’m sure no country is immune to … Continue reading

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Credit Card Numbers and Lazy Programmers

Ben, over at Brush Technology, has a splendid rant on something that I’ve written about before on my old blog. Why, in 2013, are we still suffering Websites that refuse to accept spaces in credit card numbers? There really is … Continue reading

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