Org-roam Templates

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about David Wilson’s video on getting started with Org-roam. That video provided the information you need to get Org-roam set up and to start taking notes. Now he has a follow on video that considers how to efficiently enter those notes into the system.

The way to do that is through templates just as with the Org capture. The templates are basically the same but there are a few differences to accommodate the Org-roam system. Wilson steps us through how to set up Org-roam capture templates for a couple of different types of data. The nice thing about Org-roam is that all your notes—no matter they’re about—go into the same repository and the linking mechanisms take care of connecting related notes.

Wilson is promising more videos on Org-roam so if you’re interested in a Zettelkasten system that operates in the Emacs environment, you should subscribe to the series. The current video is about 31 minutes so you’ll probably need to schedule some time.

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