Magit 3.0 Released

Jonas Bernoulli has just released Magit 3.0. It doesn’t appear to have reached MELPA yet but will doubtless appear shortly. The new release contains over 1,200 commits and comes two and a half years after the last feature release.

Bernoulli’s announcement lists the major user-visible changes but you can also check out the Release Notes if you want the details. The main changes are to the menus, integration of spin-off packages such as Transient, and a relaxation of assumptions about the names of repositories and branches. Again, see Bernoulli’s announcement for the details.

Just about everybody agrees that Magit is one of Emacs’ killer apps. Along with Org-mode, one often sees it cited as the reason for moving to Emacs. If you believe in supporting free/open source authors, Bernoulli is certainly deserving of that support.

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