Nick Higham’s Blogging Workflow

Nick Higham is a working mathematician so his blog has a heavy mathematical content and that means that he’s very concerned with integrating LaTeX into his workflow. Fortunately, that’s pretty easy because he writes his posts in org-mode and publishes them on a WordPress blog. That means he can embed the LaTeX in an Org file and when it get exported, it gets turned into the proper mathematical representation.

Higham has a short post on his blogging workflow. He uses org2blog as I used to do before the XML-RPC protocol stopped working with my hosting provider. Org2blog makes it really easy to write posts in Org and export them to WordPress in a single operation but he sometimes still needs to adjust the HTML to get the final result he wants.

His post is mainly useful for those who have a lot of mathematical content but anyone thinking of starting a blog could profitably take a look.

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