Control the Apple Music App from Emacs

About 6 months ago, Álvaro Ramírez posted some code to play music on the Mac through Emacs. I didn’t see the point of installing a new music app when the default works just fine so I didn’t read his post carefully. That was my mistake because what the post is really about is controlling from Emacs.

That’s something I would be interested in. It’s not that hard to use the default app but I like the idea of moving yet another task into Emacs. Actually, Ramírez’s code includes fuzzy search provided by the Ivy library. The Music app has (incremental) search, of course, but Ivy’s search is more powerful and can use regular expressions. That can be a boon if you have a large music collection.

All the heavy lifting is done by pytunes and ffprobe. The Emacs part is just some glue code and functions to control the playback. If you’re using Emacs on the Mac and would like to control your music from the comfort of Emacs, take a look at Ramírez’s post

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