Setting Up Mu4e

Yesterday’s post discussed David Wilson’s video on setting up and using authinfo. In that video, Wilson mentioned his videos on setting up mu4e and how authinfo fit into configuring mu4e and mbsync.

Those videos are also worth watching. The first talks about setting up mu4e and mbsync for a Gmail account. The second—more interesting—video explains how to use mu4e on multiple accounts. Together, the videos cover two of the problems that I read about the most:

  • How to set up mbsync up for Gmail.
  • How to set up multiple accounts with mu4e.

If you’d like to move your email to Emacs, I can unreservedly recommend mu4e although there are other possibilities. Wilson’s two videos will help you get things running.

The first video is a couple minutes over an hour and the second is 31 minutes so you’ll definitely need to schedule some time but if you’re stuck getting mu4e configured, they could be just what you need to get unstuck.

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