Prot on Embark

Protesilaos Stavrou (Prot) has a new video up in which he discusses Embark and some of his extensions to it. For those unfamiliar with Embark, it’s a package that lets you bind actions to keys in a context sensitive way. That is, the action taken for a given key will be different when the point is on a URL from what it will be if it’s on a file name.

The system’s a bit complicated and hard to describe succinctly but Prot demonstrates its major functionality. Of course, being Prot he’s added a few extensions to make it better match his workflow.

The Embark system reminds me a lot of Ivy but as Prot says, the context sensitivity gives it a more focused feel. Watch the video to see what I mean. It’s 33 minutes, 21 seconds so you’ll need to set aside some time but it’s worth taking a look. As usual, Prot provides links to the relevant code so you can see how he has things set up if you want to replicate his workflow and use it as a starting point for your own.

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