Phone Notifications When a Command Completes

Before we get to today’s topic, I want to point you to Mike Zamansky’s latest video on using Clojure for Advent of Code problems. Emacs appears, of course, although it’s not really the point of the video. Even so, I like and am enjoying these videos and if you admire his Emacs videos, you probably will too. Still, I don’t want to keep stepping on his videos so I’ll just note that it’s there and that you should take a look.

Now on to getting a phone notification when a command completes. Over at Medium (I know, I know) c0d3x27 has a post that shows how easy it is to arrange for such notifications using free software that you probably already have. You’ll have to set up a Telegram account and Pip install the Python Ntfy library. The post has step-by-step instructions for setting things up. There’s no real coding so it really is an almost trivial operation.

This is mostly useful for long running commands, of course, but the same idea could be easily modified for other uses. In any event, if you’re looking for a way of being notified by phone when certain events take place, take a look at c0d3x27’s post.

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