The Org Agenda

Derek Taylor over at DistroTube has another useful video. This time it’s on Org agenda. Taylor is a Doom Emacs user so the keybindings will be unfamiliar to vanilla Emacs users but a couple of minutes with the manual can overcome that if you don’t worship at the Church of Doom.

Many newcomers to Emacs come specifically for Org but Taylor is not one of them. He’s been using Emacs for a while and is just now discovering the full power of Org. It is, he says, much more than another markup language like Markdown, LaTeX, or Troff. This video focuses on its scheduling capabilities and Org agenda.

If you like scheduling your day or recording your day’s events as in a memobook, org can make that easy. Taylor’s video serves as an introduction into some of the basic operations but is by no means a complete exegesis. Still, it’s ideal for the n00b who wants to get a feeling for Org’s scheduling abilities.

The video is about 34 and a quarter minutes—a little less if you skip the shoutouts at the end—so you’ll need to schedule some time. As I said, this video will probably be useful mostly to Org n00bs but others may find some useful information in it too.

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