An Emacs Workflow for Videos and Podcasts

Protesilaos Stavrou has posted a very nice video that describes how he uses Bongo and Elfeed to play and control his videos and podcasts. Just being able to handle your videos and podcasts with Emacs is a win because it puts another function under the Emacs umbrella.

But the video is much more useful because it serves as a nice example of integrating otherwise unrelated packages within Emacs to provide an excellent workflow for listening to podcasts or videos. Stavrou demonstrates how he can move a multimedia feed directly from his Elfeed index to his playlist for later viewing or listening and the seamless switching back and forth between Elfeed and Bongo buffers.

As usual, Stavrou has added a lot of functionality to the base applications with his own code. He’s linked to that so you can see how he does the magic if you’re interested in recreating or adapting it for your own use. There are two related videos, one to how he uses Bongo and the other to how he uses Elfeed. You should watch those first if you haven’t already seen them. The video is only 12 minutes, 13 seconds so it should be easy to fit in unless you need or want to watch the other videos.

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