Yesterday, I wrote about fixing a small annoyance on my MacBook. Here’s a quickie from Bozhidar Batsov that fixes another small annoyance. This time the annoyance is with Emacs, although as Batsov explains, it’s particularly annoying on macOS.
The problem is that Emacs wants you to confirm that it’s okay to kill any running processes when you exit Emacs. Until Emacs 26 there was no way to prevent that but now, as Batsov explains, it’s simple. You merely set confirm-kill-processes
to nil
and Emacs will exit without worrying about any processes that are still running.
I can sort of see why asking about the processes before exiting is a good idea—you don’t want to interrupt some important long running process—but I can’t ever remember answering anything but y
to the prompt so, at least for me, turning off the prompt makes sense. If you feel the same—particularly if you’re running macOS—you might want to consider turning it off too.