A New Take on the Emacs Tutorial

Over at Emacs Notes there’s a post offerng a new take on the built-in Emacs Tutorial. There’s nothing special about the default tutorial. It’s merely a file describing Emacs functionality. It’s interactive, sort of, in that you can edit the file and try out the examples they describe. It’s hard to deny, though, that at least in appearance the tutorial is bland.

The new format suggested by Emacs Notes uses colors to markup the text and draw the reader’s attention to important parts. It also makes the key sequences standout by using marking them up in a manner similar to what Irreal uses.

There’s a reference implementation available that you can download and try. The post also shows the results. No one, including Emacs Notes, thinks this is a final product but it is an interesting concept. Take a look at the post and see if you think it’s something worth pursuing.

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