Emacs: The Editor for All Seasons

Derek Taylor is a Linux vlogger who was, apparently, undecided between Emacs and Vim. He likes them both, and he and I are in agreement that they are the two editors for serious developers. He’s been using Emacs more lately—although with Doom so he hasn’t really abandoned Vim—and has become one with the force. So much so that one of his recent videos declares that he replacing all his programs with Emacs.

That’s a bit of hyperbole, of course, but he does say that the more he uses Emacs the more he wants to use it for everything. As regular Irreal readers know, I can sympathize. I’m down to essentially Emacs and Safari for almost all my work and am eagerly looking forward to the day when I can ditch the browser.

The video itself explains why he feels this way and shows some (but not all) of the Emacs features that he’s using to replace other programs. He takes a look at Org-mode, dired, mu4e, elfeed, and eww. He also mentions, but does not demonstrate, magit and emms.

The video is just shy of 12 minutes so you’ll probably need to schedule some time. If you or someone you know is wondering what Emacs has to offer and whether you should give it a try, this video may help you decide.

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