Red Meat Friday: iPhones and Sanity

The other day, I wrote about Aaron Ogle’s experience in de-Googling his workflow. Although I didn’t mention it, he wrote that part of his de-Googling efforts were to replace his Android phone with an iPhone. It was, he said—undoubtedly tongue-in-cheek—an insane decision that probably cost him 99% of his readers. I thought at the time it was an odd thing to say.

I’m a paid up member of the Apple Cult so suspicions about my objectivity are warranted but I just can’t see Ogle’s point. A case can be made, I think, that iPhones are technically superior even though on any given feature the iPhones and Android phones often trade places for top billing. But put that aside: No reasonable person can doubt Apple’s story on security and privacy is better. The point of Ogle’s journey was to increase his privacy, which is why I don’t understand his remarks on the iPhone.

I’m bringing this up now because of this horrifying story on “Xiaomi Recording Millions Of People’s ‘Private’ Web And Phone Use.” Xiaomi, for its part, isn’t the least bit repentant. When they’re not flat out denying the charges—despite overwhelming, documented evidence—their attitude pretty much boils down to “so what?” You can mock Apple all you want but you know this wouldn’t be happening with the iPhone.

Sure, iPhones like every computer based product have bugs that occasionally lead to data leaks but with Apple, it’s a bug not a feature. Arguably, if you’re concerned about privacy, you shouldn’t have a smartphone at all. I wouldn’t go that far—you all know how I love and depend on my iPhone—but one thing for sure, if you care about your privacy, you shouldn’t have an Android phone and you certainly shouldn’t have any phone or software developed by Xiaomi.

Editorial Afterword:
After I wrote this but before I published it, Josh Rollins commented on my original post that replacing the Android phone would be the hardest part of de-Googling. If I read his comment correctly, he thinks there’s no replacement for the Android and its ecosystem. That goes to show that even though I think the iPhone and its ecosystem is obviously superior (a no-brainer, really) reasonable people can disagree. Of course, that’s what Red Meat Fridays are for.

UPDATE [2020-05-09 Sat 11:54]: should → shouldn’t

UPDATE [2020-06-01 Mon 12:45]: Read → Red

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