Comments on the Usefulness of Emacs for Scientists

Over at the Emacs subredit, gmu_nu says he’s a graduate student in Physics and wonders about the usefulness of Emacs for scientists who aren’t in CS. The resulting comments are an interesting compendium of the ways that scientists make use of Emacs’ capabilities. Most of the replies are from mathematicians and physicists but Biology and Mechanical Engineering are also represented.

One theme that’s mentioned in many of the answers is that the usefulness of Emacs really took off for the respondent when they discovered Org mode. That’s something that almost every Emacs user who doesn’t restrict their Emacs use to coding has found to be true. Another often repeated theme is that Emacs is a single tool that can be used for many different jobs and that’s beneficial because you have only one tool to master rather than many.

If, like me, you enjoy reading about how others use Emacs, take a look at the answers to gmu_nu’s question. I’m sure you’ll find them interesting.

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