Now that working from home is, at least temporarily, the new normal, many companies and employees are struggling to adjust to a novel work environment. Fortunately, plenty of people have been working from home for years and have advice to offer to the n00bs. One of those people is Jason Snell who writes for MacWorld and Six Colors—a site that specializes in Apple news and commentary—and who has been working from home for the last five years.
Snell has a helpful article at MacWorld that offers suggestions for the Mac user new to working from home. Despite the Apple slant, most of the advice is applicable to anyone working remotely. The Apple specific parts are mostly apps for doing things like closing or hiding applications that aren’t related to the current task. There’s also some hints on how to use an iPad as an extra screen with Apple’s new Sidecar technology. That’s offered as a way to help workers used to a large monitor gain a little more screen real estate for their laptops.
The rest of the article offers non-technical suggestions to make working from home a bit easier. Oddly, he doesn’t talk much about communication applications and procedures, which most people working from home know is the key to success. Of course, his job as a writer is a bit different from most of us and the rest of his suggestions are definitely worthwhile. If you’re new to working from home, take a look at the article for some good general advice.