Dark-Mode vs. Light-Mode Again

You’d think this would be dead horse by now but we always have fun with it when I post on the issue so here’s another episode. Via Kontra we have an article by Raluca Budiu on whether light-mode or dark-mode is better. The article is a review of the pertinent research, which turns out to be more extensive than you might think.

The really short TL;DR is that it depends. The slightly longer TL;DR is that for people with normal vision or who are corrected to normal vision, light-mode is easier to read and read accurately than dark mode. If, on the other hand, you’re a person with a visual impairment, dark-mode might be easier on your eyes.

But wait. There’s more. It turns out that reading a large amount of text in light-mode over a long period of time may lead to myopia. That’s not too surprising since myopia has historically been associated with those with more education and with prolific readers. Thus, while dark-mode may be harder to read, over time light-mode may lead to vision problems. On the other hand, for most Irreal readers I’d wager it doesn’t make much difference because they’re probably prolific readers on and off the computer screen.

So far as I can tell, the answer is the same as it was before. Use whatever is most comfortable for you to read or whatever you think is cool. It probably doesn’t make any real difference. Read Budiu’s article and decide for yourself.

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