Zamansky: ClojureScript 2

I’ve written a few posts lately about working in the Slime and Geiser environments to write and experiment with Common Lisp and Scheme code. What’s great about them is that they enable an “interactive programming” style where you can try out small code snippets to see what happens and build those small snippets into larger bodies of code. The snippets can be as small as a single expression. My two go to examples of this are the beginning of Magnar Sveen’s Web Rebels talk and Kris Jenkins video on building a Spotify client. You can find links to both of those in this post from 2013.

Of course, you can write Elisp this way too and the other great thing about Slime and Geiser is that they, too, run in Emacs. That means you can write, test, debug, and run your code from the comfort of Emacs. Why would you want to write code any other way?

Mike Zamansky has been experimenting with another language that enjoys a similar environment: ClojureScript. As with Common Lisp and Scheme, Emacs provides an interactive environment for ClojureScript: Bozhidar Batsov’s excellent Cider. In his second video on ClojureScript, Zamansky continues with the application he started in Using Emacs 63 that I wrote about here.

The video isn’t really about using Emacs but Emacs nevertheless plays a large and important role. Zamansky shows how easy it is to try things out and track down bugs while working on an application. Because Zamansky is a ClojureScript n00b, the ability to try something to see if it does what he expected and change things if it doesn’t is invaluable. It’s another example of the power of interactive programming.

The video is just short of 26 and a half minutes so you’ll definitely need to schedule some time but I found it interesting, enjoyable, and well worth time time.

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