A Useful Tip for the Holidays

This is way out of the usual Irreal fare but it’s, at the same time, astounding, obvious, and useful for the Christmas season:

I am among the world’s worst gift wrappers and wish I’d seen this before. At this point, though, all my gift giving is carefully arranged to avoid the need to wrap anything so I’m passing this on for those who haven’t yet reached my stage of infirmity.

Via Karl Voit.

UPDATE [2019-12-21 Sat 13:51]: Someone has seen fit to remove a 10 second video because of valuable intellectual property or something. Here’s another video illustrating the same thing but it lacks the pithiness of the original.

UPDATE2 [2019-12-21 Sat 14:07]: Here’s the original video from the tweet. I still find it amazing.

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