Generating Gantt Charts with Org-mode

Perhaps because I’ve always worked for smaller organizations, I’ve never had to deal with Gantt charts. I’ve always considered them yet another management fad but that may be due to ignorant prejudice. In any event, lots of people use them and find them useful.

The other day I saw a pointer to a recent video on generating Gantt charts with Org-mode. It turns out to be pretty easy. Once you get the start and end dates into an Org table it’s just a matter of invoking a bit of gnuplot code from a source block to generate the chart.

As I said, I don’t have much interest in Gantt charts but I do like reading about leveraging Org-mode to accomplish tasks that used to take dedicated applications. The video is 13 minutes, 11 seconds so it should be easy to fit it in. It’s worth taking a look at if only to see how versatile Org-mode and Emacs can be.

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