Zamansky 58: LSP Mode

After a long hiatus, Mike Zamansky is back with another video in his Using Emacs Series. This time, Zamansky tells us how he got LSP mode working with Emacs. It’s not as simple as you’d like but it also isn’t overwhelmingly hard.

He’s tried to get LSP running before but there were always conflicts with his configuration so he decided to start over by declaring Emacs bankruptcy and clearing out his .emacs.d directory. He quickly discovered that life in vanilla Emacs was not for him. Like me, he’s a swiper/counsel fan and has integrated it into his workflow so he added that back in. He also added other must-have things like magit and the latest org-mode. Really, what he needed to get rid of was all the language-specific configuration. His old and new configurations are on GitHub so you can see what he did.

In the video, he shows how he got things working for Python and C++. That mostly involved loading the language servers for Python and C++. The details are, unfortunately, extremely finicky and you’ll be glad to have Zamansky’s video to use as a go by if you decide to set it up yourself.

As usual with Zamansky’s videos, there’s a lot to learn. If you’ve been wanting to get LSP mode working, this video is a good place to start. There were a few technical problems with the video but nothing that makes it impossible or painful to watch. It’s good to have him back and I hope he’ll continue making new videos. The video is just short of 15 minutes so it should be easy to fit it in.

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