Uses This Interview with Chris Wellons

Uses This has an interview with Chris Wellons. I’ve written about Wellons many many times and consider him an outstanding engineer. I especially liked his post on Mutable String and Emacs Buffer Passing Style, which explains a method of dealing with mutable strings in Emacs. I’ve used the technique he describes several times in my own Elisp programming.

His major contribution to my workflow—including finding the Uses This interview—is the excellent RSS reader Elfeed. I use it every day to read the nearly 70 feeds that I’m subscribed to. It has excellent search and stores all the links so you can always go back to them. As I say every time I mention Elfeed, if you’re an Emacs user and have an RSS feed, you should take a look at Elfeed.

For reasons that he explains in the interview, Wellons mostly uses Vim these days except when he’s working on an Emacs project. He’s spent a lot of time working on his configuration and keeps it all under Git (and GitHub) so he can move it to any machine he’s using easily. He even has a live image that boots directly into his preferred environment. That’s really handy when if you find yourself using a temporary machine that runs Windows or some other system that you don’t normally use.

I like Uses This—it’s in my RSS feed so it comes up in Elfeed whenever there’s a new interview—and often find Handy tips from the work flows described in their interviews.

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