Org-mode Gems

Every Org-mode user is aware that Org is a huge package stuffed with all sorts of useful functionality. For most of us, a lot of that functionality remains unknown and hidden. Most often the only way to find out about it is to read the Org-mode manual but that can be an undertaking.

Luckily, Cheong Yiufung has done the reading for us and made a very nice post that reveals some of the gems he found. The post mentions six pieces of functionality and illustrates them with animated GIFS. The six items are:

  1. Avoid inadvertently editing in a folded area.
  2. Show headings only.
  3. Clone trees with a time shift.
  4. Hide empty lines between headings in collapsed view.
  5. Turn lists into subtrees.
  6. Demote sequence for list bullets.

He also mentions a couple of miscellaneous items.

I’ve been a heavy Org user for many years but all six of those items were new to me. With Org, as with Emacs, there’s always something else to learn. Perhaps I should just RTFM from cover-to-cover but I’ve never had much luck in reading whole manuals. Fortunately in this case, Yiufung has done that for me. If you’re an Org user, you really should spend a few minutes reading Yiufung’s post. It’s a great post and definitely worth your time.

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