Two Nice Org-mode Tutorials

Today I came across two Org-mode tutorials: one a blast from the past, the other new. If you enjoyed yesterday’s post on Jack of Some’s introductory Spacemacs video, you may also like his new video on the absolute minimum you need to know about Spacemacs and Org-mode. As the link tag suggests, it’s an introductory tutorial on using Org-mode with Spacemacs. Org-mode is Org-mode, of course, but Spacemacs has its own shortcuts that won’t be familiar if you’re used to vanilla Emacs.

The value of this tutorial is that it shows how to do elementary Org-mode things in Spacemacs. You won’t learn a whole lot about Org-mode itself as Jack purposely avoids the more advanced topics. My only complaint is his method of adding a header line to a table. Org has shortcuts for this—which probably work with Spacemacs—and no doubt Spacemacs has a custom binding for it. In any event, you can always call org-table-insert-hline directly.

I’ve written about the second video before. It’s Niklas Carlsson’s Literate Programming in Emacs Org-mode. Someone tweeted a link to it and I watched almost the whole thing before I realized that I’d seen it before. It’s a long video and the information content is very dense but it’s one of the best Org-mode videos I know of. As I say, I got so interested in what he was doing that I forgot I’d already seen it. If you haven’t already watched it, you definitely should. I learned a lot from it both times I did.

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