Making Design Documents with Org-mode

Christian Blades over at the Beard Institute has a nice post on how he uses Org-mode to write and manage design documents. One interesting feature of his workflow is that the document starts as a TODO item in his agenda and the details—including the text—get filled in as the document evolves. When he’s ready to share the document with the rest of his team, he exports the TODO subtree to PDF and uploads it to Google drive.

Since he’s exporting only a subtree, he puts the desired export options in a PROPERTIES drawer so that he can have per-document options if needed. That includes the file name for the PDF so he doesn’t have to manually rename the file before moving it to Google drive.

Another nice technique he uses is to decorate diagrams with sizing information so they aren’t overlarge. He does that with a bit of Elisp that gets called by the :post keyword in the source block that generates the diagram.

Take a look at Blades’ post for the details. It’s a nice workflow and one that would work for most kinds of documentation. It’s simple but seems very effective.

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