Over at the Keyhole Development Blog, Garrett Hopper explains why he runs his life with Emacs. Like many of us, he hates having to switch context when he changes the application he’s using. Each application has its own key bindings and ways of doing things. Hopper solves this by staying in Emacs as much as possible so that he can use the same bindings and configure everything to his liking.
That’s a familiar theme here at Irreal, of course, but Hopper’s post looks at the benefits with another pair of eyes. Two of the big reasons for him to stay in Emacs as much as he can are the consistent key bindings and not having to touch the mouse. He also lists some of the features and packages that he thinks make Emacs a real win for efficiency.
The post doesn’t discuss his configuration or any tricks he uses so it’s more of a “Here’s why I like and use Emacs” post. If you enjoy reading other Emacs users’ thoughts on their editor, you may enjoy Hopper’s post.