Blogging with Emacs Only

As most of you know, I enjoy reading about other bloggers’ workflows. I especially like workflows that use only Emacs and Org mode without any third-party tools. In Yesterday’s post, I promised to write about Diego Vicente’s Emacs-only blogging workflow.

As I hinted at yesterday, his workflow is centered around the org-publish functionality. To a first approximation, he simply writes his post, calls org-publish and gets static web pages as output. I like that for a couple of reasons. First, everything is handled from within Emacs. He doesn’t have to worry about maintaining something like Hugo or any other third-party app and he has complete control of what his blog looks like and how it behaves.

Secondly, he’s generating static Web pages so he doesn’t have to worry about a third-party app on his hosting server either1. I use WordPress and have been happy with it but it’s a constant struggle to keep it updated and backed up. It’s written in PHP so I don’t know how it works and I can’t really make any changes to make it behave differently if I want to. If it weren’t for the pain of moving my thousands of posts over to a new system, I’d seriously consider adopting a system like Vincente’s.

If you’re looking for a simple blogging workflow that brings the ease and safety of static Web pages, take a look at Vincente’s post. The only thing missing is RSS and I have a post on handling that coming up.



Well, other than a Web server, of course.

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