NOTE: It turns out that I wrote about Scott’s post before but it has useful information so I’m going to publish this anyway.
Al Scott was annoyed that he couldn’t run his Mocha tests from inside Emacs. He knew it could be done because it was possible for other frameworks so he decided to write his own package. He wrote about his experience in Take Your Emacs to the Next Level by Writing Custom Packages.
Most of the post is about the mechanics of the using the Emacs compilation system. If you have a similar need, Scott’s post is an excellent go-by. The last part of the post concerns publishing the package to MELPA. Although that can seem mysterious, it’s actually very straightforward and easy to do: make the package file and open a pull request to MELPA. Someone at MELPA will check your code and if everything seems okay, your package will automatically be included in the next MELPA build. From then on, updates are simply pulled from your GitHub repository without any further action from you.
If you’ve been thinking about building your own package, Scott’s post is well worth a few minutes of your time.