A Theme for Prose Writers

I came across a pointer to Kunal Bhalla’s Emacs Poet theme that may interest Emacsers writing prose using the Org or Markdown modes. As you can see from the screenshots at the above link, it uses a variable pitch font for prose text and a fixed pitch font for code examples. It has a number of other formatting options that makes the text pleasant to look at while you’re writing. The look is a bit like Abhinav Tushar’s writing configuration that I wrote about a couple of months ago.

If you’re writing pose and like the more finished look you get when using a word processor, you should definitely take a look at the Poet theme. It doesn’t turn Emacs into a word processor—thankfully—but it does make your source text look prettier.

One of the additional packages that Bhalla recommends is Jorgen Schaefer’s typo. It makes entering quotations and other punctuation such as em- and en-dashes easier. It even lets you enter non-breaking spaces and special characters such as arrows. Take a look at the README to see what it can do. Even if you’re not interested in the type of eye candy that Poet offers, you may like the ease of entering punctuation that typo offers. Although the README doesn’t say so, the package is available on MELPA.

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